Partner universities

International cooperations
The HRW currently cooperates with 27 foreign universities and is actively expanding its network of international partnerships. The European Union's Erasmus+ program is an important basis for university cooperation in Europe in particular.
The HRW International Office maintains and develops international cooperation and supports students and academics in organizing study, practical or teaching stays abroad. It is also responsible for the admission and support of international students at the HRW.
HRW students, staff and teaching staff can find further information on stays abroad, e.g. on application processes and funding programs, on the International Office service page in the HRW Portal, the HRW intranet.
The International Office can be reached
Our partner universities in Europe
Montanuniversität Leoben
With around 3,500 students, the Montanuniversität Leoben in Austria offers study in a friendly environment with good supervision. Lectures and seminars are held in German or English. Due to the high proportion of foreign students (approx. 13%) and the numerous collaborations, the university has an international atmosphere.
Bachelor's and Master's students of the HRW from the fields of Engineering Sciences and Business Administration-International Trade Management & Logistics can apply for a stay at the Montanuniversität Leoben. The exchange takes place within the framework of ERASMUS, with a total of three places available for one semester each.
Technische Universität Graz
Graz University of Technology is one of two technical universities in Austria. With around 12,700 students, it is an important university in the international technical and scientific research and education network. Building on scientific Bachelor's programs, it focuses on research-oriented Master's and PhD programs.
The cooperation makes it possible for Bachelor students on the Civil Engineering course to spend a semester abroad in Graz, with one place available per year. Applicants are selected by the Institute of Civil Engineering, the contact person is Prof. Dr. Meckmann.
Åbo Akademi (ÅAU)
Åbo Akademi University is a Swedish speaking university in Finland with 2 campuses in Turku and Vaasa. ÅAU places particular emphasis on diversity, inclusion, equality and sustainability for its 5,700 students and 1,100 employees. There are four faculties: Arts, Psychology and Theology, Natural and Engineering Sciences, Education and Social Sciences and Business and Law. The ÅAU was founded in 1918.
Study with us:
Université Catholique de Lille
The Université Catholique de Lille is a private, state-recognized university in the north of France with around 25,500 students. It is characterized by a broad range of subjects and is generally open to prospective students regardless of their religious affiliation.
The cooperation with the HRW exists for the Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and the Bachelor's and Master's degree in Computer Science. Two places are allocated for each semester of study; the languages of instruction are French and English.
Université de Montpellier
Montpellier is one of the oldest university cities in France. In 2015, two universities in Montpellier joined forces with the aim of making Montpellier one of the European capitals for healthcare and agri-environmental measures. 17 faculties and institutes are spread across the region around Montpellier. Of the approximately 50,000 students, around 7,000 come from abroad.
Exchange and visiting students:
Eötvös Loránd Tudomanyegyetem (ELTE)
Since its foundation in 1635, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) has been one of the largest and best-known universities in Hungary and has produced five Nobel Prize winners. The eight faculties are spread across the city of Budapest. ELTE attaches particular importance to its international relations and offers over 100 programs in various languages, more than 80 of them in English.
Exchange and visiting students:
Óbuda University
Óbuda University, based in Budapest, is one of the largest technical universities in Hungary with over 12,000 students and also has an important business branch. It has six faculties, including mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer science and economics.
Bachelor's students from the Business Administration, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science courses can study at Óbuda University for one semester. In the Electrical Engineering course, three Bachelor's or Master's students have the opportunity to spend a semester in Budapest.
Trinity College Dublin
Trinity College in Dublin was founded more than 400 years ago on the model of the universities of Oxford and Cambridge. 17,000 students live and study on the traditional campus in the heart of Dublin. Degree courses can be chosen from the disciplines of arts, humanities, business, law, medicine, engineering and natural sciences. Trinity College Dublin is one of the top 100 universities in the world. It values innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship in a liberal environment.
International Applicants:
Riga Technical University
Riga Technical University can look back on 150 years of history, during which it has developed into a nationally and internationally renowned and respected university. With over 14,500 students, it is one of the most important universities in Latvia. It has eight faculties in fields such as civil engineering, electrical engineering, information technologies, mechanical engineering, industrial engineering and management.
The cooperation with HRW is aimed at Bachelor's and Master's students of engineering and Bachelor's students of economics. Four places are allocated for each semester, the languages of instruction are English and Latvian.
Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences (KVK)
The traditional Baltic city of Klaipeda, the third largest city in Lithuania after Vilnius and Kaunas, is located directly on the Curonian Spit. With around 3,200 students, KVK is the third largest university of applied sciences in Lithuania. It offers degree courses in Business, Technology and Health Sciences in three faculties.
The cooperation relates to the Faculty of Economics, specifically the International Trade Management and Logistics course. It enables two Bachelor students to spend one semester at the university. Lessons are held in Lithuanian and English.
Universiteit Utrecht
Utrecht University was founded in 1636 and pursues a particularly large number of interdisciplinary research objectives in forward-looking fields. In addition to the campus in the city center, there are also two other campuses on the outskirts of Utrecht. With around 35,000 students, Utrecht University is one of the largest universities in the Netherlands with seven faculties. It offers 58 Bachelor's and over 150 Master's programs.
Exchange and visiting students:
University of Bergen
Opole University of Technology
HRW students can spend a semester in Poland at the Opole University of Technology, which is steeped in tradition. The technically and economically oriented university with six faculties attaches great importance to international relations and offers students from abroad many opportunities.
Bachelor's students of Business Administration as well as Bachelor's and Master's students of Computer Science or Engineering can apply for a semester abroad. Courses are taught in Polish and 2 places are allocated for each semester.
Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai
The Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj is located in the Romanian city of Cluj-Napoca in Transylvania. It was named after the Romanian physician Victor Babeș (1854-1926) and the Hungarian mathematician János Bolyai (1802-1860). It is the only trilingual university in south-eastern Europe. The university has three study programs taught in Romanian, Hungarian and German.
Six Bachelor's or Master's students of computer science have the opportunity to spend a semester in Cluj-Napoca.
Linnaeus University
Linné University was founded as a merger of Växjö University and Kalmar University of Applied Sciences. It is a state university with two campuses in Växjö and Kalmar. It has around 34,000 students in six faculties and offers 150 study programs. The study programs range from arts and humanities, health and life sciences, social sciences, natural sciences, engineering and economics.
Two Bachelor's or Master's students of computer science can each spend a semester abroad here. Applicants are selected by the Department of Computer Science; the contact person is Prof. Dr. Jansen.
Universidad de Barcelona
The University of Barcelona is a state university with a long tradition. Its 16 faculties are spread across the entire city and the surrounding area. The 72,000 students can choose from 73 Bachelor's and 150 Master's degree courses. Due to the high quality of its research and teaching, the University of Barcelona occupies the top places in many internationally relevant university rankings.
Information for students from other universities:
Universidad de Burgos
The University of Burgos is a state university that emerged from the spin-off of the Burgos campus of the University of Valladolid in 1994 from the University of Valladolid. Around 10,000 students study at the university, completing over 30 different undergraduate courses and over 20 doctoral programs as well as several official master's and other degree courses.
Two Bachelor's or Master's students in Computer Science and 3 Bachelor's students in (Business) Engineering have the opportunity to spend a semester in the city of Burgos.
Universidad del País Vasco
The University of the Basque Country currently has 45,000 students enrolled on 67 Bachelor's and 103 Master's degree courses. It was founded in 1980 and has three campuses: In Bilbao, the region's largest city, as well as in San Sebastian and Eibar.
Two Bachelor's or Master's students in engineering have the opportunity to spend two semesters, i.e. a whole year, in Bilbao. There are four places available for one semester each for Bachelor's students of economics. All courses are offered in Spanish and Basque, and individual courses are also held in English and French. A good knowledge of Spanish is a prerequisite for studying abroad at the Universidad del País Vasco.
Universidad de León
The university was founded in 1979. On its two campuses in León and Ponferrada, the University of León offers around 13,000 students the opportunity to choose between eight faculties.
Two Bachelor's or Master's students each in engineering and business administration have the opportunity to spend two semesters, i.e. a whole year, in León. Alternatively, it is also possible to allocate 4 study places each for one semester. The courses are mainly taught in Spanish. However, it is also possible to attend individual seminars and lectures in English. Spanish courses can also be taken before the start of the semester.
Beykent University in Istanbul
Beykent University was founded in 1997 and has around 10,000 students. It is a private university and has six faculties, including a Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences and a Faculty of Engineering and Architecture.
For Bachelor students of Business Administration, three places are available for one semester each. Lectures are held in English and Turkish.
Our partner universities in Asia
University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (USST)
The Chinese university with an international character is located on a green campus in the middle of Shanghai. Over 15,000 students study there. In addition to traditional STEM subjects, USST also focuses on management and economics.
Up to five HRW students on the Business Administration course can spend a semester at USST without paying tuition fees. Courses are offered in Chinese and English.
Zhejiang University of Science and Technology (ZUST)
The Zhejiang University of Science and Technology in Hangzhou has around 18,500 students studying 39 different courses. The focus is on engineering and economics. The metropolis of Hangzhou is only a two-hour drive from Shanghai and is therefore in a very attractive location.
Five business administration students have the opportunity to study in Hangzhou for a semester. The courses are offered in English and Chinese.
Parul University
Parul University is a private university in Vadodara, Gujarat, India. It was founded in 2009 as the Parul Group of Institutes and was granted university status in 2015.
Six students each of computer science and business administration and four students of engineering have the opportunity to spend a semester here in the city of Vadodara in Gujarat.
Universitas Telkom
Telkom University, also known as Tel-U, is a private university in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. It was founded in 2013 and has 27,000 students studying at 8 faculties.
Students of computer science can apply for a stay at SGU.
St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University (LETI)
This cooperation has been suspended due to the current political situation.
The Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI" is one of the oldest Russian universities. It was founded in 1886 as a technical college. LETI, as it is popularly known, received the status of a higher education institution in 1899 and became known as the Electrotechnical Institute.
The university has educational programs in radio engineering, telecommunications, control processes, computer engineering and IT, electronics, biomedical engineering, management and linguistics.
Kookmin University
Kookmin University is a private, state-recognized university in Seoul, South Korea, with around 18,000 students. In international rankings, it occupies top places among South Korean universities. The wide range of courses on offer extends from "Arts" to "Technology".
The cooperation was concluded for economics and is to be extended to other subject areas in the future.
Ton Duc Thang University
Ton Duc Thang University is a state university in Ho Chi Minh City. With 17 faculties, it offers its approximately 24,000 students a wide range of subjects from civil engineering, computer science and sports science to economics. TDTU attaches great importance to networking with the local economy in order to strengthen the practical relevance of teaching and research.
The cooperation with HRW was established for economics, but is also open to students on other courses.
Our partner universities in North and South America
Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo
In international rankings, the Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP) is in first place among all Latin American universities. Like UNESP, it is a state "multi-campus" university with campuses in several cities in the state of Sao Paulo. USP's Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade (FEA-RP) is located in Ribeirão Preto, a city around 300 kilometers north of Sao Paulo with a population of just under 600,000. The extensive campus is located on the site of a former coffee plantation. In addition to business studies, medicine, pharmacy and sport are also taught there.
The cooperation enables business students to study at the FEA-RP for up to one year. The languages of instruction are Portuguese and English.
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
The Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) is a Brazilian state university in Belo Horizonte and was founded on September 7, 1927.The university is the fifth largest in the country and is considered one of the most prestigious universities in Brazil and the best university in the state of Minas Gerais, where Belo Horizonte is located.Outside of its Belo Horizonte headquarters, UFMG has university buildings in Montes Claros, Diamantina, Tiradentes and Conselheiro Lafaiete.Almost 50,000 students are enrolled at UFMG.
The cooperation with HRW relates primarily to engineering sciences (focus on environmental engineering). The language of instruction is Portuguese and 4 study places are offered per semester.
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Universidad de Talca
The Universidad de Talca was created from the merger of the Universidad de Chile and the Universidad Técnica del Estado.
Founded in 1981, the university is one of the most important national universities.The main campus is located in the city of Talca, the capital of the Maule region.The university now has four satellite campuses in the cities of Talca, Curicó, Santa Cruz (Colchagua) and Santiago de Chile. In total, more than 9,000 students study at the four campuses. The university offers 23 Bachelor's degree courses and 27 graduate programs.
The cooperation with the HRW applies to students of economics from the 5th semester onwards. Students should have at least a good knowledge of Spanish; the language of instruction is Spanish. 5 study places are offered per year.
Wayne State University
Wayne State University, located in Detroit, Michigan, is a renowned public research university known for its diverse academic programmes and its significant role in strengthening the community. WSU was founded in 1868. Nearly 24,000 students study here in 13 different faculties.
The language of instruction is English. 5 places are offered each year.